For our other class, we took a tour of the Metro and some of its best stations. We talked about the Metro's initial construction (started in 1900), as well as Guimard's Art Nouveau entrances and tilework. Another of the entrances is styled with Art Deco (as pictured). My favorite station is at Arts et Métiers. It looks like you're standing inside of a copper submarine.
After class, we went out for margaritas and Long Island iced teas in the Bastille area. Some of us had more drinks than others, but a good time was had by all. Afterwards, Kathryn and I went to the Champs for pizza and McDonald's sundaes.
After finishing all of my French homework, I made it a relatively early night. Lately I have been extraordinarily tired. My days are frustrating and my nights are restless. I have also noticed that I am losing weight, which was part of the plan. This is due to the thousands of steps I take every day just to get into and out of the Metro. Lately I have been more breathless than usual. I thought it was because I was out of shape, but I think my asthma has been acting up. Same goes for my allergies. In short, I haven't had the time to do anything I want and I haven't found the time to do all the things I need.
Objective Truth: In the States, it is the responsibility of drivers to not hit pedestrians. It is assumed that the pedestrian would rather be avoided than hit and it is up to the driver to decide which option he would rather choose. In France, it is assumed that the driver has no particular preference and it is up to the pedestrian to take responsibility over his life. With this said, please be aware of what's around you when walking. For drivers, the sidewalks are also fair game.
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