There's a bar in the Marais (Trois Étages) that has the world's scariest bathroom. I feel a little guilty taking a picture and spoiling the fun for anyone who hasn't been, but I couldn't pass up the chance. It's very rare that the bathroom sees any light, or that one has any light with which to see the bathroom. Unfortunately, it also makes it look a lot less frightening and just more dirty. Keep in mind there's no light in the stall, so if one wants to shut the door, they're forced to hover who-knows-where in complete darkness.
Have people stopped talking about the bees yet?
A little touristy, but also a little cool.
A photograph of a girl photographing the Monet waterlilies. This can't really act as a critical commentary -- I did the same. At least I recognize I can't be separated from that which I criticize.
I agree completely.
Where did you make that last shot ? It's so funny !
It was in the middle of a park not far from Père Lachaise. The walkway was all grates -- the enemies of those who wear high heels.
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